About me

Awarded CX Leader of the Year, James is an expert in Customer Experience Management and Business Transformation. Known for combining sales, operations, technology, culture change, and innovation, he brings unique and valuable insights to businesses. 

James has worked hard to gain experience across various professional fields, allowing him to communicate effectively with different stakeholders. He has significant experience in strategy and governance, serving on advisory boards, and delivering major public and media presentations.

James has a strong history of creating value for customers and improving financial performance. He is skilled at setting up efficient operational structures, processes, and systems. He has also led many large-scale customer experience transformation projects that go beyond customer expectations and increase value for shareholders and clients. 

As an effective leader, able to motivate and inspire large teams while promoting a focus on customer satisfaction, James excels in building relationships and negotiating at the board level, and has the business sense to make quick, sound decisions that lead to lasting results in complex business settings.

Explore my Professional Experience

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If you need a list of my qualification areas, you can find them here.